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As I sit here and write this I pray and hope that this impacts at least one person. I want you to know how truly loved you are. So whole heartedly. You may ask… Who loves me this much? Who can love me after all I have done? Who can fill this void I am feeling? Let me tell you about Jesus. He loves you. He cares more about you than any human on this Earth. He wants more for you. He has more for you. 


The past two years have been nothing but a roller coaster for me in my faith but recently I had this moment with Jesus. I sat back and asked God as I weeped…. WHY, why do people say promising things here on Earth if the promises won’t be kept? Why do people continue to let me down? Why isn’t this love i’m feeling fulfilling? 


As I sat there weeping in the Lord’s arms the other day I felt Him say to me…. “Chloe I feel your pain. I see your pain. I am hurting for you my daughter. but I LOVE YOU. I won’t leave you. My promises are fulfilling and I will never let you down.” ….. I sat there and just felt this overwhelming presence of peace. I thought to myself, what is true love? God revealed to me through people around me and through His words that true love is His love. His love will never EVER fail. He will always be there to hold us. He will always be there to comfort me. He will always love me. 


So when you are feeling a void… remember that the Lord wants your heart. Always. He loves you more than you could imagine. His love is more fulfilling than any love on Earth could ever be. His love is TRUE LOVE. 


And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. – 1 John 4:16


I encourage you to fall into His love.